Tuesday, November 27, 2012

believe in your dream

from this lovely Etsy shop

Audrey and I had a fun Thanksgiving celebration at the Walt Disney World. We loved every single second we spent there. No matter how many times we've gone there....we can never wait to go back again!

I love Disney in general because of it is such a positive company. They radiate joy and happiness. I was lucky enough to be part of the Disney family years ago back when I was in college as an intern. I spent 8 months working for the Walt Disney World. I have to say, it was THE best working time of my life. I absolutely loved it.

Disney has inspired me to believe in my dreams. It is the dream that drives every single success out there. One of my biggest, ultimate dream is to open my own shop. I am a crafty gal. I'm always drawn to anything artsy. I sew so I guess naturally I am obsessed with fabrics. Friends say I am a fabricaholic. I say, I just love fabrics a bit much....ok, a lot.
I craft pretty often.

Right now, I am working on realizing that dream. I have been putting it on the back burner for awhile. Life got in the way, important things happened...and now I finally feel that the time is here--for me to give myself that push to do it. No doubt it is going to be one of the most challenging times in my life to actually own my own shop. But I know I am ready.

When the time comes....you will be the first to know!!!


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