Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hello August!

via here

Oh my goodness. The first week of August has passed already! Where did the time go?
Actually, if I can be honest...I am excited to welcome the holiday season this year! I've started making a list of things I want to get for myself this Christmas heheh. And I also have a checklist made for things I'd like to accomplish before the year ends.
So so excited!
I know for sure, amazing things will happen to my life soon :)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy Friday!

via here
Good things today is Friday. It has been a super long week for me. Not sure why. And last night, my little Bee, accidentally kicked my bedroom window and broke its glass. Sigh. She cut her foot. It was bleeding and she was crying, crying, crying. Had to bandage it up. She got really moody after that. What an event.

I have some low-key fun things planned for the Bee and I this weekend. If weather permitted, on Saturday, we'll be going to the zoo. Fun. Then on Sunday, we'll be going to the beach in late afternoon. More fun!

Tonight, we're going to organize my studio. Got lots of goodies I need to sort out. I also need to reorganize my shops. It'll be a busy but relaxing time at home. Just the way I like it.
Have a great weekend everyone!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Little Bee and Peanut Butter

My little Bee loves peanut butter. I mean, she LOVES it! My favorite is Peter Pan Honey Roasted Peanut Butter (the creamy kind). And she loves that one too. Last night, I asked her what she wanted for dinner and she said, "peanut butter"
So I made her peanut butter sandwich for dinner. We had some fruits for dessert and popcorn as snack while watching 'Despicable Me' (boy, she loves that movie!!!).
Was a good night last night. Simple and relaxing. Just how I like it :)

This morning for breakfast, I made little Bee peanut butter sandwich. She ate it without hesitation. Love that girl!