Friday, October 26, 2012

the circus is coming to town

The circus is in Town 8 x 10 print - 18 US Dollars
from this lovely Etsy shop

Few weeks ago, I won 2 raffle tickets to go to the circus. The circus is coming to town this weekend, starting Saturday. I immediately thought of taking Audrey there. She has never been to one. This is going to be her first circus visit. I am a bit torn about this plan, to be honest. I have heard the not-so-good stories of circus animals treatment :( but then at the same time, I remember, growing up, how excited I was each time my parents took me to see the circus. I can only hope that they humanely treat these animals we're going to see perform at the circus this weekend.

I told Audrey about the circus, and being a toddler, not-quite-3-yet, she just gave me the look. So funny. She probably still has no idea what circus is. I hope she doesn't freak out tomorrow when we go!

Hoping for the lovely weather this weekend as I have planned many outdoor activities for Audrey and I!

Thursday, October 25, 2012



Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle. (Taken with Instagram)
via here
When you are on the verge of giving up, remember that you always have an opportunity to start over tomorrow.....