Tuesday, November 27, 2012

believe in your dream

from this lovely Etsy shop

Audrey and I had a fun Thanksgiving celebration at the Walt Disney World. We loved every single second we spent there. No matter how many times we've gone there....we can never wait to go back again!

I love Disney in general because of it is such a positive company. They radiate joy and happiness. I was lucky enough to be part of the Disney family years ago back when I was in college as an intern. I spent 8 months working for the Walt Disney World. I have to say, it was THE best working time of my life. I absolutely loved it.

Disney has inspired me to believe in my dreams. It is the dream that drives every single success out there. One of my biggest, ultimate dream is to open my own shop. I am a crafty gal. I'm always drawn to anything artsy. I sew so I guess naturally I am obsessed with fabrics. Friends say I am a fabricaholic. I say, I just love fabrics a bit much....ok, a lot.
I craft pretty often.

Right now, I am working on realizing that dream. I have been putting it on the back burner for awhile. Life got in the way, important things happened...and now I finally feel that the time is here--for me to give myself that push to do it. No doubt it is going to be one of the most challenging times in my life to actually own my own shop. But I know I am ready.

When the time comes....you will be the first to know!!!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

have a marvelous Thanksgiving....

from this lovely Etsy shop

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving....
Audrey and I are spending the long weekend in Orlando. I am taking her to Disney again. Her favorite place in the whole world---for now.

I am so very excited. This vacation, like the many last vacations I had, is just going to be me and the little Bee. We're so happy together. Spending time together. She and I love holding hands walking through the theme parks. Her eyes lit so brightly soon as she sees one of the Disney characters. She adores Cinderella (I mean, who doesn't??). She thinks the castle is the grandest thing she ever saw. She refers the baloons as "the moon". She loves telling me: "mommy, dreams come true"

We'll be busy at Disney this weekend, so Audrey and I would like to wish all of you a magical Thanksgiving celebration! I definitely have  many to be thankful for this Thanksgiving (or everyday for that matter.....).

Friday, November 16, 2012

november updates...

The year is about to end in a couple of months. Where did the time go? Audrey is almost 3. She'll be 3 in January. By end of the this year I'll be in the house for a year already. How fast time went by.

The house is...well...at least it is still standing.... There are still lots to be done. I have paintings to do. Yes, yes I know...I am too lazy to paint. I know it is not a hard thing to do but when I am home sometimes I just want to relax and do nothing. I picked out the color for the dining room already. It is a lovely shade of pretty light blue green (by Benjamin Moore). The dining room ceiling's paint color is called Bone White by Benjamin Moore as well. The color combo is wonderful. I cannot wait to finish it and post a picture here.

Last weekend I got a vintage settee from an estate sale. I got it for $50. One day I am going to reupholster it. Right now it is in the upstairs porch. When weather is cool and crisp like these days, I like to sit on my vintage settee in the upstairs porch (it's screened in); a hot cocoa in my hand; French jazz music playing in the background. It's the loveliest. I do this when I don't have my little Bee with me. It's very quiet and soothing.

My master bedroom is a work-in-progress. It is okay for now. I am not too too excited about it. It is painted but still got some works need to be done to it. I'd love to have a chandelier hang in there. One of these days I will get one I know.

The Bee's room is pretty much done. I need to paint her bathroom--which is rarely used. Her bathroom is small so it shouldn't take that long to paint.

My craftroom is pretty much done with the exception now I have to hire someone to fix the ceiling. I'd love to have a chandelier hang in there as well but this can wait. Not an urgent need.

The downstairs area is a major work-in-progress. A big mess. Chaotic. I admit it. Mostly due to my lack of excitement in being a handy woman :/
When you live with 2 grumpy old 5-pounder ankle biters aka chihuahuas, 1 highly too energetic jack russell, and 1 needy toddler...... you know what I am talking about. Sure, sure, of course I love them!! Anyways, I will post updates on house renovation progress when I have it. But don't hold your breath on it though!

My little Bee, Audrey, is getting smarter. She is such a joy to be around with now. Wonderful little girl. I love her so much. She copies everything I do--everything. She sleeps on the bed with me. That's our favorite thing to do. We watch princess movies together. She wears her princess skirt every single day. She adores her magic wand. Cinderella is her favorite Disney princess. We go to Disney World gazillion times already--I have an annual pass. That place is her absolute favorite place in this whole wide world. I am serious. She knows now when I tell her: we're going to Disney. She knows! I can see the happiness in her eyes. The excitement. The joy. Each and everytime we go there.

Last night we went to Walmart (I needed to get something....), and we passed the toy aisles....oh dear. Bad idea. She immediately collected all the princess stuff and hapilly put them inside our cart. Then she found princess castle set. She insisted that she wanted one. In every color. Sigh. Then she saw Rapunzel braided hair piece. She shrieked in joy, took one, and tossed it inside our cart. Of course I didn't buy her everything. When we got home, she asked for the Rapunzel hair piece. She went playing with that thing for hours. She kept saying: Rapunzel...let down your hair....
Fun time for her.
I love, love, love, love seeing her happy.