Friday, October 26, 2012

the circus is coming to town

The circus is in Town 8 x 10 print - 18 US Dollars
from this lovely Etsy shop

Few weeks ago, I won 2 raffle tickets to go to the circus. The circus is coming to town this weekend, starting Saturday. I immediately thought of taking Audrey there. She has never been to one. This is going to be her first circus visit. I am a bit torn about this plan, to be honest. I have heard the not-so-good stories of circus animals treatment :( but then at the same time, I remember, growing up, how excited I was each time my parents took me to see the circus. I can only hope that they humanely treat these animals we're going to see perform at the circus this weekend.

I told Audrey about the circus, and being a toddler, not-quite-3-yet, she just gave me the look. So funny. She probably still has no idea what circus is. I hope she doesn't freak out tomorrow when we go!

Hoping for the lovely weather this weekend as I have planned many outdoor activities for Audrey and I!

1 comment:

dd said...

And you are still my favorite Lita!