Wednesday, January 9, 2013

sweet vintage typewriter

I have a love affair with vintage things.....
I live in a super old house that is filled with vintage furnitures and little things. Makes me wonder if I was born in the wrong era. So, the typewriter above is one of my vintage typewriters collection. I have...(counting!) 4. Two of them are cursive letter typewriters.
The one pictured above is the oldest I own. It is  made by Smith and Corona. Not sure the exact age but I got it from a local person thru craigslist about a year ago. It works great too---considering the age.

Looking at my old typewriters makes me wonder sometimes. Questions often run through my head: who originally owned the machine...were they excited getting the typewriter....what did they use it for....what type of letters did they write...did they ever type a love letter with it...were they a writer....did they teach their children how to use it....

I remember the day I showed Audrey my typewriters collection. She looked through the keys and she started typing. I watched how she tried to figure out how the thing worked. To this day, she still loves playing/typing on my vintage typewriters. I cannot wait to teach her how to use it properly one day soon......

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